Hat man viele Verknüpfungen unter Windows die angepasst werden müssen (z.B. weil sich ein Servername geändert hat) kann man komplett die Chance nutzen, um alles mal aufzuräumen und nur die Links zu ändern die man wirklich noch braucht oder: Man bedient sich eines Automatismus.
Verblüffend wenig habe ich dazu im Internet gefunden und noch weniger davon brauchbares obwohl es doch sicherlich viele Servermigrationen gibt. Ein gute Skript findet man unter:
Hier das Skript (als .vbs speichern und mit ‚wscript‘ ausführen) falls der Link oben mal nicht mehr funktionieren sollte (Achtung: Bitte vorher LESEN was man starten möchte und die Variable „silent“ auf jeden Fall von 1 auf 0 ändern:
'~~Author~~. Rob Dunn ' '~~Blatently borrowed a little bit of code from~~. Jim de Graff ' '~~Script_Type~~. vbscript ' '~~Sub_Type~~. SystemAdministration ' '~~Keywords~~. change shortcuts, string, migration, ' mapped drive, new server, LNK, target path ' '~~Comment~~. 'This script searches the given folder (and sub-folders) for shortcuts ' that contains a particular string (i.e. "c:\temp\shortcut_target.exe" ' first it will prompt you to type the string you wish to replace, ' after which, it prompts for the new string. Finally, it will ask ' you for the root folder which you would like to begin the search ' (and replace). If you run in verbose mode, you will be prompted ' to say 'yes' for each shortcut you'd like to change. After it's ' finished, it will present you with an HTM of the changes that ' were made. ' 'This script only works with single instances of a string - if there are ' more than one instance, the script will change the first instance. ' 'A few lines below are variables that you can set to modify the behavior ' of the script. In this form, Silent = 0 (off), which will prompt you ' with each shortcut it finds that meet the criteria specified in the ' initial input boxes. As it finds matching shortcuts, it will prompt ' you to type 'yes' to change the shortcuts. ' 'I just changed a server name at a location, and all the users had a ' TON of shortcuts pointing to the old server name, so I put this ' together to save me time, and it worked great! ' 'At the very end, it will open up an HTM file with the results of the ' shortcuts that it finds (and highlight which ones are updated) ' 'Per Jim de Graff: "also demonstrates how to traverse a directory tree" ' using recursion."' '~~Script~~. Dim Silent, CurTime, sIsDrive Dim newlink, oldlink, oldfull, fullname, oldfile, bgcolor Dim CheckFolder, RootFolder Dim w, ws const ForReading = 1 const ForWriting = 2 const ForAppending = 8 'On Error Resume Next 'Find current time that the script runs set wso = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'pull the system's process variables (we'll be using TEMP ' for the output file and WINDIR to figure out the default ' location of user's desktop folder - whether 9x or NT/2k/XP) Set WshSysEnv = wso.Environment("PROCESS") 'pull the system's profile environment variable userprofile = wso.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%userprofile%") 'set your variables here 'silent = 0/1/2 ' 0 - verbose ' 1 - turns off verification prompts ' 2 - turns off verification and initial config prompts 'ChangePathFrom = string you wish to replace 'ChangePathTo = string you wish to change ChangePathFrom to ' above server vars are needed only for when silent = 2 'ouputfile = location of output filename, you can use a string in ' place of all the code after the equal sign (i.e. ' outputfile = "x:\temp," etc.) 'curtime = finds time of execution of script 'RootFolder = The folder that you wish to search (silent mode only) '-------------------------------------------------------------------- ' set your variables below... '-------------------------------------------------------------------- Silent = 1 ChangePathFrom = "\\test1" 'string to search for ChangePathTo = "\\test2" 'string to replace with OutputFile = WshSysEnv("TEMP") & "\" & "migrate_shortcuts_log.htm" RootFolder = "c:\shortcut" '-------------------------------------------------------------------- CurTime = Now OSType = WshSysEnv("OS") WinDirectory = WshSysEnv("WINDIR") If Silent > 0 Then CheckFolder = RootFolder Else End If If CheckFolder = "" Then If OSType <> "Windows_NT" Then 'Windows 9x/Me desktop folder CheckFolder = Windirectory & "\desktop" Else 'Windows NT/2k/XP desktop folder CheckFolder = userprofile & "\desktop" End If End If 'check to see if ouputfile exists or not, deletes it if it does If CheckFileExists(OutputFile) Then Set oldfile = fso.GetFile(OutputFile) oldfile.Delete Else 'wscript.echo oldfile & " does not yet exist." End If If Silent <= 1 Then Call CServer End If 'Bring up inputbox for old server string Sub CServer ChangePathFrom = InputBox ("Type the string of text that you wish to"_ & " replace in your shortcuts (LNK Files).","Enter text string to replace",ChangePathFrom) ChangePathFrom = LCase(ChangePathFrom) Check4FromSlash = Right(ChangePathFrom,1) VarLengthCPF = Len(ChangePathFrom) If Check4FromSlash = "\" Then VarLengthCPF = VarLengthCPF - 1 ChangePathFrom = Left(ChangePathFrom, VarLengthCPF) If Silent = 0 Then wscript.echo "Now Removing trailing '\' from " & ChangePathFrom & "." End If End If If ChangePathFrom = "" Then wscript.quit Else Call NServer End If End Sub 'Bring up inputbox for new server string Sub NServer 'wscript.echo changepathfrom ChangePathTo = InputBox ("Enter the string of text you would like to " & ""_ & " replace instances of " & Chr(34) & ChangePathFrom & Chr(34) & ""_ & " with.","Enter new text string" & ".",ChangePathTo) ChangePathTo = LCase(ChangePathTo) Check4ToSlash = Right(ChangePathTo,1) VarLengthCPT = Len(ChangePathTo) If Check4ToSlash = "\" Then VarLengthCPT = VarLengthCPT - 1 ChangePathTo = Left(ChangePathTo, VarLengthCPT) If Silent = 0 Then wscript.echo "Now Removing trailing '\' from " & ChangePathTo & "." End If End If If ChangePathTo = "" Then Call CServer Else Call CFolder End If End Sub 'Bring up inputbox for root folder to search (recursive) Sub CFolder CheckFolder = InputBox ("Type the root folder path that you wish to"_ & "start your scan from (recursive).","Begin shortcut (lnk) scan"_ & "from:",CheckFolder) If CheckFolder = "" Then Call NServer End If End Sub 'Start writing the HTM Log file... Set w = fso.OpenTextFile (OutputFile, ForAppending, True) w.Writeline ("<html>") w.Writeline ("<title>Changing Shortcuts in root folder "_ & CheckFolder & "</title>") w.Writeline ("<table BORDER=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>") w.Writeline ("<tr>") w.Writeline ("<th bgcolor=#000080 colspan=3 width=100>") w.Writeline ("<p align=left>") w.Writeline ("</th>") w.Writeline ("</tr>") w.Writeline ("<h0><B><font face=Arial color=#000033 size=2>"_ & "Shortcuts located in: <font color=#CC0000> "_ & CheckFolder & " <font face=Arial color=#000033 size=2>,"_ & " searching recursively at " & CurTime & "</B></font></h0>") w.WriteLine ("<TR bgcolor=gray colspan=3 width=100>") w.WriteLine ("<TD><font face=Arial size=1 color=white> Shortcut Path"_ & "</font></TD>") w.WriteLine ("<TD><font face=Arial size=1 color=white> Target Path"_ & "</font></TD>") w.WriteLine ("<TD><font face=Arial size=1 color=white> Updated to"_ & "</font></TD>") w.WriteLine ("</TR>") If ChangePathFrom = "" Then wscript.echo "You have not specified a source string to change." Call Cserver ElseIf ChangePathTo = "" Then wscript.echo "You have not specified a new string name to"_ & " replace" & Chr(34) & ChangePathFrom & Chr(34) & " with." Call Nserver ElseIf CheckFolder = "" Then wscript.echo "You must specify a root folder to begin your"_ & " search from." Call CFolder End If 'process the shortcuts ModifyLinks CheckFolder Sub ModifyLinks (foldername) dim file 'for stepping through the files collection ' dim folder 'for stepping through the subfolders collection ' dim fullname 'fully qualified link file name ' dim link 'object connected to the link file ' 'process all the files in the folder For each file in fso.GetFolder(foldername).Files 'check only link files If strcomp(right(file.name,4),".lnk",vbTexctCompare) = 0 then 'Find full path of shortcut fullname = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(file) 'Find full path of target within shortcut set link = wso.CreateShortcut(fullname) targetpath = LCase(link.targetpath) oldfull = fullname oldlink = targetpath newlink = "Not Updated" 'Displays current shortcut that is being checked (good for ' troubleshooting the script). 'If Silent = 0 Then 'MsgBox "Checking shortcut: " & fullname & "." & VBCrlf_ '& "Shortcut target: " & targetpath 'End If 'If the current server (one you want to change) is found in the ' target path, then run the following code If InStr(1, targetpath, ChangePathFrom) > 0 Then sChangeTargetTo = "" sChangePathTo = "" 'Set numerical length of full target path VarLengthPath = Len(targetpath) 'Set numerical length of ChangePathFrom VarLengthCPF = Len(ChangePathFrom) 'Find out what's between character 0 and where changepathfrom starts VarBeginPath = InStr(1, targetpath, ChangePathFrom) 'Subtract 1 from where it begins (all text begins at 1 in a string) 'This is so you will have a '0' value if you type in a root drive or 'UNC to replace - there shouldn't be anything that appears before ''c:\' or '\\server' etc. VarBeginPath = VarBeginPath - 1 'Parse actual text prior to search string to replace BeginPath = Null BeginPath = Left(targetpath, VarBeginPath) 'wscript.echo "VarBeginPath is: " & VarBeginPath & ". " & BeginPath 'Find out how many characters are left after subtracting the beginpath 'and search strings from the whole path VarEndPath = VarLengthPath - (VarBeginPath + VarLengthCPF) 'Find out what text appears after the search string EndPath = Right(targetpath, VarEndPath) 'wscript.echo EndPath workingpath = link.workingdirectory 'Set variable to text before/search string/text after, so you get 'something like: c:\stuffbeforestring\mysearchstring\stuffafterstring 'or c:\temp\docs\mysearchstring\test.doc sChangePathTo = BeginPath & ChangePathTo & EndPath 'wscript.echo "ChangePathTo is: " & ChangePathTo 'If there is no working directory, then text will show 'not set' during 'script execution If workingpath = "" Then workingpath = "not set" End If 'if you are running in verbose mode, you will be prompted with 'each shortcut and working folder. If Silent = 0 Then MyVar = MsgBox ("Path contains " & Chr(34) & ChangePathFrom & "." & Chr(34) & ""_ & " LNK file's full target path is: "_ & targetpath & "." & " Working path is "_ & workingpath & ".",64, fullname) End If 'Sometimes shortcuts don't have working dirs (not sure why) 'If there is a working dir, then run following code If workingpath <> "not set" Then VarBeginPath = InStr(1, workingpath, ChangePathFrom) If VarBeginPath > 0 Then VarBeginPath = VarBeginPath - 1 End If 'Parse actual text prior to search string to replace BeginPath = Null 'wscript.echo "VarBeginPath " & VarBeginPath BeginPath = Left(workingpath, VarBeginPath) 'wscript.echo "Working beginpath is: " & BeginPath 'Set numerical length of working directory VarLengthWorking = Len(link.workingdirectory) VarEndPath = VarLengthWorking - (VarBeginPath + VarLengthCPF) 'wscript.echo "Working path number count is: " & varlengthworking & ""_ '& VBCRLF & "working path end 'wscript.echo "VarEndPath = " & VarEndPath & " = " & VarLengthWorking & ""_ '& " - (" & VarBeginPath & " + " & VarLengthCPF & ")" 'Find out what text appears after the search string If VarEndPath >= 0 Then EndPath = Right(workingpath, VarEndPath) sChangeTargetTo = BeginPath & ChangePathTo & EndPath 'wscript.echo "ChangeTargetTo is: " & sChangeTargetTo WorkingMSG = "Also change working directory to " & sChangeTargetTo & "?" End If 'wscript.echo "End of working folder :" & EndPath Else link.workingdirectory = "" WorkingMSG = "No working directory will be set at this time." End If 'wscript.echo "Path of shortcut is " & targetpath & ""_ '& VBCRLF & ". Working folder is " & workingpath & "." 'Display input box to modify each shortcut as the script finds them If Silent = 0 Then ModifyPath = InputBox ("Modifying " & fullname & "." & VBCRLF & ""_ & VBCRLF & "Modify path for " & targetpath & " "_ & "and replace with " & sChangePathTo & "?" & VBCRLF & VBCRLF & ""_ & WorkingMSG,""_ & "Type 'yes' to modify") ElseIf Silent >= 1 Then ModifyPath = "yes" End If If ModifyPath = "yes" Then bgcolor = "#99CCFF" 'Set link target path attribute to link.targetpath = Chr(34) & sChangePathTo & Chr(34) newlink = link.targetpath 'wscript.echo newlink If VarLengthWorking <> "" Then 'Set link working dir attribute to ' \\ChangePathToname\workingpath link.workingdirectory = Chr(34) & sChangeTargetTo & Chr(34) End If 'Save the shortcut with the new information link.save 'If answer above is anything but yes, the script will proceed ' to the next shortcut Else End if 'Clear link variable MyPos = 0 MyPosEnd = 0 End if 'write output to logfile Call WriteEntry End If Next 'process all the subfolders in the folder For each folder in fso.GetFolder(foldername).Subfolders call ModifyLinks(folder.path) Next End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function WriteEntry to write change history to logfile in outputfile path '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function WriteEntry If newlink <> "0" Then w.WriteLine ("<TR bgcolor=" & Chr(34) & bgcolor & Chr(34) & ">") w.WriteLine ("<TD><font face=Arial color=#000033 size=1>" & ""_ & oldfull & "</font></TD>") w.WriteLine ("<TD><font face=Arial color=#000033 size=1>" & ""_ & oldlink & "</font></TD>") w.WriteLine ("<TD><font face=Arial color=#000033 size=1>" & ""_ & newlink & "</font></TD>") w.WriteLine ("</TR>") oldfull = "0" newlink = "0" oldlink = "0" bgcolor = "white" End If End Function '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function to see if outputfile already exists '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function CheckFileExists(sFileName) Dim FileSystemObject Set FileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If (FileSystemObject.FileExists(sFileName)) Then CheckFileExists = True Else CheckFileExists = False End If Set FileSystemObject = Nothing End Function w.Writeline ("</html>") 'if silent = 2, then it will not open the log file If Silent <= 1 Then 'set command variable with path in quotes (for long filenames) Command = Chr(34) & OutputFile & Chr(34) 'run htm file in your default browser wso.Run Command End If '~~[/script]~~